Seven Points of Vital Living

The young adults and young working saints in Dagupan City will listen to the audio files of the fellowship of some brothers concerning how to have a vital living for the Lord and for His Body. The audio file could be downloaded at Every Friday night, some young working saints will gather together to hear the messages and then will listen again to their respective groupings inviting more saints to hear also the messages.

In our young people/collegian group, we listened to the message last Lord's Day. We listened to the fellowship given by Bro. Andrew Yu and Gerald Chan. The fellowship was given to the former trainees but the speaking applies to whatever arena we are in. Either we are working/job-keeping full-timer, we are studying, job dropping full-timer, mothers or fathers, we need to live a vital living.

Bro. Andrew Yu fellowshipped about the seven points of vital living. This seven points is actually the God-man living. This living should be exercised and practiced day by day. We have received the high peak truths concerning the desire of the Lord. And our living should match the high peak truth. So the brothers are really burden concerning our daily. Are we living a normal, vital living?

Here are the seven points shared by the brother (the speaking notes of this fellowhip can be download at

1. SCHEDULE FOR LIVING - Having a schedule for your living.

2. MORNING REVIVAL - The first thing about time management is you need a quiet
time every morning. Instead of the things leading you by the nose, you set the
priority. Even non-Christians talk about the need of a quiet time. If non-Christians
realize the importance of a quiet time, where are we? For a lot of us, there is no
quiet time.

3. PURSUIT OF THE TRUTH - You need to set aside some time every day to get into
the pursuit of the truth. Get into a reading program to get into the Life-studies, or
the high peak truths, or some other reading material. Even a reading program of
just studying the Bible book by book by going through the references is good. We
need to do this both privately and corporately.

4. COMPANION PRAYER - A regular time three times a week of getting with your
prayer partner to pray. Not just to call on the Lord but to pray, to intercede. You
need to have a ministry of intercession.

5. CONTACT PEOPLE - Having a set block time every week to contact people either
by going out or by inviting people in. You need to set aside definite time to take care
of people.

6. CHURCH MEETINGS - Go to all the church meetings.

7. SANCTIFIED FINANCES - Be sanctified in how you manage your finances. That
is broad and general. We need a group of people who are very serious about putting
that into practice. Both for the full-timers and the working saints, we need to set the
priority to live this kind of life. That is the God-man living in practicality and

The message really exposed me on my condition today. I am not living such a vital living. I have a schedule, but I always fail to follow it. But thank the Lord for His speaking. Oh how we need to have a vital living! To have such a living, it needs our commitment. We need to commit ourselves to the Lord. We need to consecrate our whole being for this kind of living. We ourselves cannot fulfill this living, but we just need to let the Lord work in us by opening ourselves to Him and consecrate ourselves to the Lord for this kind of living. This living is not an overnight matter; it really requires us to practice day by day in our whole Christian life.

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